My home automation setup

I have been a user of the great HouseBot home automation software for a long time now, and for years I have been meaning to showcase my set-up. I just never seemed to have the time; same could be said about a large number of projects I have planned! In fact the post over on the housebot forums took a number of weeks to complete!


HouseBot is a fantastic piece of software. It still amazes me that it has not really changed much since the Meedio days, but I feel the application still does out-perform many of the current home automation software out now. I feel this is mainly down to the stability and the expandability of the plugin framework and the powerful scripting. However, I have been tempted to switch to HomeSeer with its huge amount of plugins available. But the $600 price tag and the amount of time invested in HouseBot makes me stay here.

Please head over to the HouseBot forums to view my forum entry that goes into all the geeky details



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