Lost Little Spaceman has reached beta 2

It's been in beta for almost 6 months now on Google Play, wow, where did that time go! Reception has been amazing over 40 thousand downloads!


It's a big update. Thank you to everyone for sending feedback. This release would not be here without your support 👍👍

This release includes

★ New level / station
★ D-pad controls
★ Controls page
★ Story
★ Room hints
★ Option to remove rotation
★ Compass when rotation is on
★ Continue page
☆ Improved tap and swipe controls
☆ Adverts
☆ New game objects - vortexes, blackholes, moving lasers, teleporters, moving tiles, new collectables and more.

☆ Performance and bug fixes

There is still a lot more planned for the next release. I feel the next one may get out of beta.  

I'll keep you posted here. Bye for now.

#nellyfish #gaming


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