Welcome to my little place on the web.

I'm a software developer and occasionally when time allows, I like to blog about my various coding project here. I also like to tinker with home automation, retro gaming and more.

I have also shared some of my software, which I hope may be of use to others. It's on my software page.

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How I make games

I number of people have asked me how and what I use to create games, so decided it was time to write about it.

My first game Dave Dangerous was written in Java, at the time this was a language I had not used. But being a c# developer the languages are very similar. Both object oriented and use very similar syntax.

I followed a tutorial from kilobolt. I found it very detailed and covers creating your own game framework. I found it a great way to understand game mechanics. Including creating your own physics, for my later games I used a physics engines, but was still nice to understand this logic. Tutor... read more

100 Platforms awarded Amazon UK Developer Spotlight !

I'm pleased to announce that 100 Platforms has been selected as a winner of the Amazon Appstore UK Developer Spotlight. This means that there will be a featured banner on UK, USA and Germany Amazon App stores for this week, and will be featured in the Apps & Games section in April.

This is great news and will hopefully get the game some much needed publicity. So far I have seen a huge increase in downloads :)

Check out the Wall of Winners! dev.amazonapp... read more

Lost Little Spaceman update

Wow, what happened to January ! It's been in beta for a few months now on Google Play and the reception has been amazing. It's been downloaded over 20k times and it's not letting up. I have also received thousands of feedback comments that i'm logging and replying to everyone (it may take some time) but some great ideas coming in from you all.


Youtube has also been busy with videos of you playing my games too. It's fantastic feedback for me and great to see people enjoying the games.

So far this is on th... read more

100 Platforms on Fire and more !

Well when I say Fire, I mean Amazon Fire. It's finally in the Amazon app store. Get it from nellyfish.com/100platforms


Just a quick entry today, just really want to update you on a few things going on. I know it's been ages since my last entry. It's been a very hectic few months working on a new online shop called newfangledthings.co.uk. Sellin... read more

100 Platforms has an official trailer

I have created an official trailer for 100 Platforms in readiness for promoting. Here it is...

For anyone interested, it was created in Lightworks.

#gaming #nellyfish

Spikes Galore has an official trailer

I have created an official trailer for Spikes Galore in readiness for promoting. Here it is...

For anyone interested, it was created in Lightworks.

#gaming #nellyfish

New game, 100 Platforms

I have been playing around with a game framework called Corona SDK. The end result is a game called '100 Platforms'. It's fairly simple, using Corona's physics engine and some nice particle effects. Inspired by an old game called Jumping Jack on the spectrum.


I hope you enjoy it, the only aim is to get to the top! Give it a ... read more

Spikes Galore Update 1.4

Just pushed out a minor update to Spikes Galore. This update adds in-app purchases on iOS. For under a £1 you can remove all ads and unlock new game modes.

The update is available via the AppStore and Google Play now.


Give it a go for FREE at nellyfish.com/spikesgalore

#gaming #android #ios #nellyfish

Building games with Corona SDK

I have now created a few games in libGDX, and have found it a great framework and nice way to learn Java. However, it's not all been plain sailing. I found the depedancy management can be a little tempremental at times. Although that's more down to Gradle than libGDX. I also found it farily teadious re-coding the various sdk's for each platform to intragrate adverts, game services, in-app purchases etc. There has also been a lot of changes with the winding down of roboVM. This is what is used to build for iOS. To overcome this I have been using an earlier open source fork of roboVM that has worked fine. However, it does no... read more

Shopping list for building your own Arcade Machine

It can be a lot of work to build your own arcade cabinet, but it can also be a lot of fun! I still have not finished mine completely, as the base still needs painting! I’m sure i’ll get around to it at some point. You can see my progress last year from my past entries here

... read more

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