Welcome to my little place on the web.

I'm a software developer and occasionally when time allows, I like to blog about my various coding project here. I also like to tinker with home automation, retro gaming and more.

I have also shared some of my software, which I hope may be of use to others. It's on my software page.

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Upgrading to a NVMe SSD on a Late 2014 Mac Mini

If you have a late 2014 Mac Mini that is grinding to a halt due to the tiny 4 GB's of SOLDERED ram (what were apple thinking!) don't give up on it. I was about to get rid of it as it was becoming unworkable but after a bit of research found out that it does have a PCIe connection that is capable of working with NVMe, to support a tiny SSD.

The upgrade is now complete and it's all working great. I did have a few hiccups as i'm using non-standard apple parts. The original SSD was a Sam... read more

Spikes Galore is back in Google Play!

Good news! Spikes Galore is now back in Google Play. It has also had a few improvements. Coins are easier to collect, and the coins allow you to buy even more in-game. It has also been updating on iOS and will be in the Amazon Appstore soon.


Give it a go for FREE at nellyfish.com/spikesgalore

#gaming #android #ios #nellyfish

New game, 100 Platforms

I have been playing around with a game framework called Corona SDK. The end result is a game called '100 Platforms'. It's fairly simple, using Corona's physics engine and some nice particle effects. Inspired by an old game called Jumping Jack on the spectrum.


I hope you enjoy it, the only aim is to get to the top! Give it a ... read more

Spikes Galore Update 1.4

Just pushed out a minor update to Spikes Galore. This update adds in-app purchases on iOS. For under a £1 you can remove all ads and unlock new game modes.

The update is available via the AppStore and Google Play now.


Give it a go for FREE at nellyfish.com/spikesgalore

#gaming #android #ios #nellyfish

Dave Dangerous has new levels !

Big update to Dave Dangerous, maybe the last? There is now another 10 levels, so 50 in total! Update includes a new world with new image assets. If you have not downloaded it already, then please do at davedangerous.com. Android is live now, iOS will be ready in a few days.

Dave Dangerous Screenshot

The update also includes a change to the in app billing code. I was using Google's billing SDK, but have switched to using the gdx-pay libraries. This means that it ... read more

Spikes Galore now on iOS

I'm pleased to announce Spikes Galore is now on iOS! This was my second game developed using the libGDX framework.

It's in the App Store, so please give it a go at https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1120165272

Spikes Galore

Hope to get the Game services and In App Purchases working soon.

#ios #gaming #nellyfish

Dave Dangerous is finally on iOS

I'm pleased to announce that Dave Dangerous is now on iOS. This game was ported across to the libGDX framework a few months back. This should have made the transition to iOS easy. However, the Java VM components that are used to run on iOS were discontinued. This meant an alternative was needed. This is now working with the MobiDevelop fork of RoboVM. It's working pretty well.

It's in the App Store, so please give it a go at https://itunes.ap... read more

DIY Apple Mac Mini stand

Bit of an unusual article today. If you follow my blog, you will know that I bought a Mac Mini a few months ago. Over the last few days I have been trying to pickup the elusive Ikea Napkin holder. It makes a great vertical stand for the Mac, for less than two pounds! But seems to be near impossible to pickup anywhere. So I have made my own version...

... read more

Can't believe I did it!

Well after 35 years of never touching anything Apple, I have finally got a Mac. Getting seriously into mobile development, it has made me realise that for iOS apps I'm really going to need a Mac. I started going down the route of VMWare on my Windows box, but finally decided to bite the bullet and get a Mac.

So... here it is, a bottom of the range i5 Mac Mini. So far I have installed Xcode. Still lots to learn as the whole thing is so alien to me!


#coding #ios #mobile